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时间:2008/8/21 9:48:17,点击:0


23rd Annual Adult Development Symposium of the Society for Research in Adult Development

An Affiliate Pre-conference of The American Educational Research Association

New York City - Saturday and Sunday, March 22-23, 2008

This two-day meeting will focus on positive adult and life-span development from an interdisciplinary perspective. Our aim is to have constructive conversations about key theoretical, methodological, and practical issues in researching adult development. These symposium provides a productive arena for researchers to meet and share their work in this exciting and expanding field. The symposium-style meeting features thematic poster sessions that include group discussion and synthesis. Topics include (but are not limited to): Measurement, models and methodological issues; post-secondary education; emotional development; professional development; development of relationships in educational settings; motivation; development outside of formal education; organizational and corporate influences including organizational culture; company success in world economy and stage of development; coaching and corporate training; evaluating management and sales; and attribution systems within organizations. Challenges to conventional wisdom are especially welcome.

Submissions are due by December 31, 2007. Visit http://adultdevelopment.org for more information and submission guidelines.

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