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Call for papers--APA 2008 in Boston

2008 Call for Proposals
Society for the History of Psychology
Division 26 of the American Psychological Association

The 2008 meeting of the Society for the History of Psychology at the APA convention will be held in Boston from Thursday, August 14, through Sunday, August 17.

Proposals are now being accepted for panels, workshops, paper sessions, and symposia related to any aspect of the history of psychology (note that poster proposals will not be considered). A $200 award is given for the best student paper.

Especially encouraged are submissions related to the history (and "pre-history") of modern psychology in the Greater Boston area.

Deadline for submissions via APA's on-line "Call for Programs" is Monday December 3, 2007. To submit your proposal visit:


Details on how to submit may be found in the Call for Programs:


Inquiries may also be directed to the 2008 Program Chair, Russ Kosits, at rkosits@redeemer.ca. Note, however, that all proposals must be submitted via the on-line system, not to the Program Chair directly.

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