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征文:45th Annual Meeting to be held in Toronto, Cana
时间:2014/9/21 18:31:37,点击:0

This is the Call for Papers for our 45th Annual Meeting to be held in Toronto, Canada, June 4-6, 2015. The theme for the meeting is “Neuropsychology and Change.” Submissions need not address the conference theme—we welcome submissions on any topic in developmental science. JPS offers a set of competitive awards to facilitate student participation in the conference (see: www.piaget.org/awards/ ). Submission forms and instructions are available on our web site: www.piaget.org

Organizers: Susan Rivera, Phil Zelazo, Stephanie Carlson

Plenary speakers: Bryan Kolb (Univ. of Lethbridge), Charles Nelson (Harvard/Boston Children’s Hospital), Janet Werker (Univ. of British Columbia), Daphne Maurer (McMaster Univ.), and Marla Sokolowski (Univ. of Toronto) In the past two decades a wealth of evidence has accumulated which supports a neural constructivist approach to characterizing human development. This characterization, in which learning and individual experiences play a central role in constructing mental representations and their corresponding neural changes, is of course one of the central themes of Piaget's theory. This meeting will bring together researchers who examine neural plasticity in a variety of ways, across varied domains of development. It will provide an overview of the state-of-thescience in examining how experiences and biology interact to shape brain development and it will provide an important platform for discussing the implications of this neuroscience-based research for the broader understanding of child development.

The meeting will commence with a plenary lecture on the general topic of neural plasticity, which will explore the age- and region-specific nature of developmental plasticity, and factors that may have a positive or negative effect on developmental outcomes at early ages. Other plenary speakers will address topics of plasticity in the context of adversity or impoverished contexts, neural reorganization with respect to selective experiences, how genes and environment interact to produce individual differences in behavior, and the effects of altered sensory and language experience on brain development and cognition.

Submissions need not address the conference theme—we welcome submissions on any topic in developmental science. JPS offers a set of competitive awards to facilitate student participation in the conference (see: www.piaget.org/awards/) Submission forms and instructions are available on our web site: www.piaget.org Submission Deadline: 15 December 2014

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