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A complete list of Piagets prizes and honorary doctorates
时间:2008/8/20 23:02:50,点击:0



I am a French student and I have to write a report about Jean Piaget. I have some difficulties in finding a complete list of Piaget¡¯s prizes and honorary doctorates. There are about 11 international prizes and more that 30 ¡°honoris causa¡±.¡¡If someone knows something about this it will be a great help to me!!!


Jean Piaget
Principal Appointments
1921-25Research Director, Institut Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Geneva
1925-29Professor of Psychology, Sociology and the Philosophy of Science, University of Neuchatel
1929-39Professor of the History of Scientific Thought, Univesity of Geneva
1929-67Director, International Bureau of Education, Geneva
1932-71Director, Institute of Educational Sciences, University of Geneva
1938-51Professor of Experimental Psychology and Sociology, University of Lausanne
1939-51Professor of Sociology, University of Geneva
1940-71Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Geneva
1952-63Professor of Genetic Psychology, Sorbonne, Paris
1955-80Director, International Centre for Genetic Epistemology, Geneva
1971-80Emeritus Professor, University of Geneva

Other Appointments
President: Swiss Commission UNESCO; Swiss Society of Psychology; French Language Association of Scientific Psychology; International Union of Scientific Psychology. Co-Director: Department of Education, UNESCO. Member: Executive Council, UNESCO and 20 Academic Societies

Co-Editor: Archives de Psychologie and 7 other journals

Honorary Doctorates: Harvard (1936), Manchester (1959), Cambridge (1962), Bristol (1970), CNAA (1975), and 26 other Universities.

Prizes: Erasmus Prize (1972) and 11 other international prizes .

Smith, L. (1997). Jean¡¡Piaget. In N. Sheehy, A. Chapman. W.Conroy (eds).
Biographical dictionary of psychology. London: Routledge.

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